GEOGloWS Hydroviewer

('A tool for viewing the GEOGloWS ECMWF Streamflow Hydrologic Model and creating subset shapefiles.',)

Historical Validation Tool Peru

This app combines the observed data and the simulated data from the GEOGloWS ECMWF Streaamflow Services in Peru.

HydroViewer Peru

This is the Hydroviewer App customized for Peru.

Hydrostats App

Calculates both hydrologic and forecast skill between simulated ond observed streamflow data. Also contains tools for preprocessing data and visualizing data.

Met Data Explorer

An app for viewing and analysing grided data servered from a THREDDS DATA SERVER.


Sistema de Monitoreo de Movimientos en Masa Potenciales generados por Lluvias Intensas (SILVIA)

Water Data Explorer

"A tethys app that lets the user to visualize and query WSDL enpoints